About Mindgineering

About Mindgineering

Why Choose Mindgineering

  • We are offering you a chance to learn what has taken Alan 30 years to master, it is a new way to approach habit change.                                              
  • This program has been designed to be simple, it is intended to teach you how to change habit through awareness and training.                                       
  • Alan identified something special in the elite athletes he worked with and now offers that insight to you.                                                                                     
  • His experience and success in hypnotherapy and helping professional sports people achieve their goals is testament to Alan's easy to use online programs.


Advantages of Mindgineering

  • The programs can be done alone, wherever and whenever you choose.                                                                                                                                      
  • They are about you becoming aware of your habits and about you making better decisions.                                                                                                  
  • It’s all about you taking action and getting back your discipline.                                                                                                                                                   
  • You are purchasing the culmination of 30+ years of work and study from Al Close                                                                                                                   
  • The programs work well and are even encouraged to be used alongside other weightloss methods such as dieticians or personal trainers.                              
  • The knowledge you gain from the programs will be yours forever and can be used over and over.